Saturday, March 3, 2012

Eating Healthy on a Budget

When you’re on a tight budget, the thought of preparing tasty, healthy meals on a regular basis can seem stressful. Not only is it easy to get sucked in by colorful marketing labels; it’s also normal for most of us to fall into a mealtime rut, eating the same foods over and over. But you are in control of your kitchen. If you cook smart, you can enjoy first-class meals and savings. Here are a few tips that will leave more green in your pockets:
  • Set aside regular blocks of time for planning meals, making your grocery list, and shopping.    
  • Think about the time of day and the day of week you shop. Generally, the grocery     store is the least busy early in the morning and in the middle of the week.·     
  • Become a coupon junkie.
  •  Stock your fridge and cupboards with items that are quick and easy to cook… especially when they are on sale.
Beans and lentils
Brown rice
Brown pasta
Fresh fruits and veggies
Meats and fish

  •   When cooking a big meal, make extra to freeze, or use later in the week for lunches or  quick dinners. Double recipes, then freeze half.
  •  Buying in bulk is almost always cheaper; you can freeze perishable items (such as meat, milk, and even bread) in smaller portions to use as needed. It’s always a good idea to buy non-perishable items in bulk (canned foods, dried beans and grains).
  • Add extra vegetables and beans to make the meal go further.
  •  Limit your dining out, especially when it comes to fast food, since you’ll find yourself spending unnecessarily on items that are high in fat, salt, and calories, which short-change you in the nutrition department.
  • Toss snacks in your bag before heading out (nuts, fruit, protein bar, low fat string cheese).
  •   Eat before leaving home.
There’s no magic formula to eating healthy on a budget. Like anything else worthwhile in life, it takes a little planning, creativity, and work. But if you think of the rewards… better health and more money, you’ll find it’s worth the effort.

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