Low fat and /or non-fat plain Greek and regular yogurt can be a part of a healthy diet. Both are low in calories and contain calcium and live bacterial cultures. When Greek yogurt is processed, it goes through extensive straining. This removes majority of the liquid whey and lactose (milk sugars). This process gives Greek yogurt its thick consistency. For the same amount of calories as regular yogurt, our Greek friend has double the protein and half the sugar.
Lets do some real deal comparison:
- PROTEIN: Greek yogurt is higher in protein, which is great for post workout recovery and satisfying your hunger. A 6 ounces serving has 15-20 grams; meanwhile, regular yogurt contains 9 grams of protein/6 ounce serving. Are you still hungry after eating regular yogurt? I'm sure you are!
- CARBOHYDRATES: Greek yogurt contains 5-8 grams/serving. Whereas, regular yogurt has a whopping 13-17 grams /serving. Remember the straining process that Greek yogurt goes through removes the lactose or milk sugars. This is good news for those who are lactose intolerant.
- FAT: Fat, fat, fat, yes Greek yogurt contains fat. 8 ounces of full- fat Greek yogurt contains up to 16 grams of saturated fat. On the other hand, 8 ounces of full-fat regular yogurt contains 5 grams of saturated fat. Remember from earlier post, I talked about saturated and unsaturated fat. Saturated fat is the bad fat that raises your LDL's, which is the bad cholesterol. I always go for the low fat (2%) or the non fat (0%) Greek yogurt. READ YOUR FOOD LABELS!!! I can't stress that enough.
- CALCIUM: 6 ounces of regular yogurt provides 30% of the RDA (recommended dietary allowance). Whereas, Greek yogurt only contains 20% of the RDA. The RDA for both men and women should be around 1,000 milligrams/day. The elderly and women who are pregnant should aim for 1,200 milligram/day. These two populations may benefit from regular yogurt, because of its high calcium content.
- VERSATILITY: Plain Greek yogurt is extremely versatile. It can be used in place of sour cream in dips and on tacos. Mix a little with some pesto and you have a yummy sandwich spread. It can replace mayonnaise in those summer recipe's such as coleslaw, egg salad, pasta salad, and potato salad.
- COST: Unfortunately, Greek yogurt cost twice as much as regular yogurt. This is due to its high demand. Yes, the healthier it is for you, the more it cost. I'm sure you have figured that out by now.
Get the Skinni and make a choice!!!
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